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SUNY GCC - Genesee Community College

Diversity is an asset at GCC! 我们很荣幸地接待来自20多个国家的学生,以及美国的学生.S. 来自文化丰富的城市和农村地区的学生、教师和工作人员. We embrace the many experiences and perspectives each member brings to our campus community and value the variety of ways diversity is represented on our campus, which include:

  • addiction/recovery status
  • age
  • body size and shape
  • ethnicity
  • gender and gender identity/expression
  • geographic background
  • housing status
  • learning style
  • linguistic background
  • mental health status
  • military or veteran status
  • national origin
  • physical and intellectual ability
  • racial identity
  • religion
  • sex
  • sexual orientation
  • socioeconomic class


One GCC is a campaign to showcase what each ONE of us is doing to promote Inclusive Excellence on campus. 你是在指导一个被忽视的学生还是一个新员工? Are you using more culturally-themed materials in your curriculum or expanding the visual representation of people of color in your materials? Are you and your work buddies participating in ONE of the many cultural competency professional development opportunities? 你是一个拥抱包容和结交新朋友的学生吗?

If so, please Follow Us on Facebook 分享你正在做的美好的事情. Remember, 尽管我们每个人都是独一无二的, 我们都在这里形成一个支持和包容的教育社区.

OneGCC logo

About Inclusive Excellence

Strategic Plan

杰纳西社区学院致力于庆祝多样性, ensuring equity, 创造一个环境,让我们所有的学生, faculty, and staff feel valued and included. 承诺将重点放在这些努力上,这是我们的五个优先事项之一 Strategic Plan (2023-2028) is to “Nurture a community that fosters respect and values global citizenship and social justice. Reinforce our commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and wellness throughout all endeavors.“我们希望达到的具体目标如下:

Core Objective 3.1: 扩大目前增加招聘的努力, retention, employment, 以及大学社区中弱势群体的成功.

Core Objective 3.2: Foster an environment of belongingness by broadening opportunities to better understand, embrace, 庆祝我们的个体差异.

Core Objective 3.3: Evaluate and improve upon services that support the wellness of the campus community.

Inclusive Excellence Committee

The Inclusive Excellence Committee (IEC) (formerly known as the Diversity Council) is comprised of voluntary members of faculty, staff, 以及寻求支持和促进多样性的学生, equity, and inclusion initiatives at the college. 它是由Joanna Barefoot在2011年创建的, 她的梦想是在校园里开一个多元文化资源中心.

如果你想加入包容性卓越委员会或要求资源, please contact Madeline Reichler at

LGBTQ+ Resources

“All Gender” Bathrooms

Here at Genesee Community College, we recognize that having a bathroom where one feels safe and comfortable is of high importance to many of our students. A 2021 SUNY policy declared that all public single-occupancy bathrooms on SUNY campuses must be designated as gender neutral. GCC的巴达维亚校区有五个全性别浴室. 在斯图尔特·施泰纳剧院的大厅里可以找到一个, one in the Wellness Center, 在学生成功中心的每层都有一个, and one in the Richard C. Call Arena.

photographer student as commencement

Chosen or Preferred First Name

Genesee Community College is committed to providing an inclusive teaching and learning-centered environment, therefore the College recognizes some individuals choose to use a first name other than their legal first name to identify themselves. Procedure 526 – Preferred or Chosen Name allows a student’s chosen name to be used in all places where technology and the law allow. This includes ID cards, GCC email, Brightspace, Degree Works, Banner Self-Service, myGCC, class rosters, and grade submission forms. All official college records, 文件和邮寄信件仍然必须使用学生的合法姓名.

学生可以在Banner自助服务中更改自己选择的名字. Alternatively, they can submit the GCC Chosen (Preferred) Name Update Form to be assisted by a staff member.


  1. Log into Banner Self-Service from MyGCC
  2. 从学生记录菜单中选择查看/更新个人信息:

Student record name change

  1. Select “Personal Information” Button:

Personal Info Button

  1. 点击右上角的编辑符号:

Image of edit name screen

  1. 输入您选择/首选的名字,然后点击“更新”:

image of enter preferred name

  1. 电子工作流程将开始将此信息发送到记录, Computer Services, and Online Learning. Your chosen/preferred first name may take up to 72 hours to display across all eligible campus services.


Sexuality And Gender Acceptance (SAGA)

SAGA是LGBTQ+学生和盟友聚集在海湾合作委员会作为一个社区的俱乐部. For more information, visit the Student Groups 网页或联络俱乐部顾问Madeline Reichler

SafeZone Training

SafeZone Trainings are highly interactive workshops dedicated to enhancing one’s understanding of the LGBTQ+ community and allyship. 在典型的安全区域培训期间涵盖的主题包括:

  • LGBTQ+ vocabulary
  • Components of sexuality & gender identity
  • Pronouns
  • Prejudice & discrimination
  • 如何成为学生,同事, & loved ones

SafeZone Training is offered to faculty and staff during Professional Activity Days (PAD) every semester. 要求对任何一组教员进行培训, staff, or students, please contact Madeline Reichler at

Open Door Internship Program

The Open Door Internship Program is a one-semester program created to provide opportunities for professionals from historically underrepresented communities to explore teaching at the college level. Once accepted into the program, individuals will receive their own class, full adjunct pay, 还有一位经验丰富的导师来指导他们第一学期的教学. If you like the idea of working in community college education and hope to empower students through your own experiences and expertise, we hope you consider this opportunity!



  • 必须是历史上代表性不足的人口中的一员.


  • Master’s Degree in the subject area or a Master’s Degree in a related area required.

Special Skills

  • The ideal candidate displays a strong interest in higher education and possesses great knowledge of their academic area. They must interact and communicate effectively (verbally and in writing) with students and colleagues and possess a willingness to embrace technology. This person must be a friendly, enthusiastic team player with a strong work ethic and demonstrate a commitment to diversity and to the practice of student development theory

Application Instructions:

To be considered, applicants must apply through The Open Door Program position listed on the Employment Opportunities Website. 有兴趣的个人应提交意向书, resume or CV, and the names, addresses, 还有三个推荐人的电话号码, along with copies of your transcripts. 如果录用,必须向人力资源办公室提交正式成绩单.

如果你对这个机会或你的申请状态有疑问, please contact Human Resources at or (585) 345-6808.


Cultural Competency

  1. Self-awareness is the consciousness of one’s own social identities, cultures, biases, and perspectives.
  2. Understanding and valuing others is the knowledge of and appreciation for others’ social identities, cultures, and perspectives.
  3. Knowledge of societal inequities is the understanding of how social identities and forms of oppression affect people’s experiences and access to power, resources, and opportunities.
  4. 在不同的环境中与不同的人有效互动的技能 is the ability to adapt to and work collaboratively with different cultural groups, in a range of situations.
  5. Skills to foster equity and inclusion 识别和解决不平等的能力是为了创造环境吗, policies, 以及确保多样性和公平性的做法. 

Developed by Diane J. Goodman, Ed. D. ©2014 Available at her website.

文化能力和理解多样性、公平的资源 & Inclusion

Campus Pride -专门针对LGBTQ+大学生的教育和资源.

DoSomething – An online hub for young people interested in volunteering and making positive social change. 了解一项对你有意义的事业, 以个人或团体的身份加入这场运动, and make a difference in your community! 会员还可以获得奖学金和志愿者学分.

ACLU: Know Your Rights – Everyone has basic rights under the U.S. Constitution and civil rights laws. 在这里了解更多lol菠菜竞猜你的权利, how to exercise them, 以及当你的权利受到侵犯时该怎么做.

How to Tell Someone They Sound Racist - Jay Smooth分享了一个对抗种族主义行为的有用技巧.

If the World Were 100 People -把你的生活和这个世界上其他人的生活相比.

Project Implicit – These quick online tests may help you to see whether you have implicit bias towards certain groups of people and how strong this bias is. Try it – you may be surprised!

TED: Bridging Cultural Differences -这是众多lol菠菜竞猜多样性的Ted演讲集之一. 与文化能力和多样性相关的演讲有数百种, equity, and inclusion. 如果你想要具体的东西,我打赌他们有!

– Peggy McIntosh, in her seminal work on privilege stated, “I have come to see white privilege as an invisible package of unearned assets that I can count on cashing in each day, 但我“注定”要保持遗忘.” Most white Americans fail to realize the extent to which privilege impacts their lives. This article and the SEED project help us understand white privilege and more importantly, what to do with this privilege.


Additional Resources for Faculty & Staff

SUNY’s Diversity, Equity & Inclusion webpage – View SUNY’s 25-Point Diversity, Equity & 包括计划以及其他声明和资源.

“The Case of Good Fit” Video – What happens when a committee member asks an inappropriate question in an interview? 看看莫警官和H警探.R. 希金斯回应并调查了这种偏见的发生率.

密歇根大学的公平教学 -这个网站为教师和学生积极分子提供了许多资源. 你可以找到lol菠菜竞猜以股票为中心的教学的研究, course planning guides, activity outlines, and much more.

Yale Center for Teaching and Learning -包括你会发现许多实用的技巧,以促进包容性的课堂. Be sure to look at the multitude of downloads at the bottom of the page for additional resources.

The Avarna Group – An immense collection of social and environmental justice themed articles, activities, and videos. 一定要使用“按主题搜索”选项,以获得更快的结果.

Edutopia – Culturally Responsive Teaching has a plethora of articles and new lesson plans to use. Within each link you will find references to more articles and ideas – so if you don’t find exactly what you are looking for, 翻阅相关文章是值得的.

26 Mini-Films for Exploring Race, Bias and Identity With Students – 26 short New York Times documentaries that range in time from 1 to 7 minutes and tackle issues of race, bias and identity.

Inclusion Starts with I -有意义的短视频,强调为什么职场包容很重要.

Resources for International Students

你是新来的国际学生吗? Check out this page 获取更多有关就业机会的信息, maintaining your visa, traveling outside the U.S. and more.